Friday May 19, 2023
S3-Ep2: Understanding Leadership: Moving Away From the Cult of Personality
Featured Guest: Dr. Gama Perruci & Aldo Boitano
We discuss changes in leadership we are seeing and how important clear leadership, followership, and agreement on a goals is to drive successful outcomes. We expand the definition of leadership to integrate the impact of the environmental and cultural context in defining the leadership style. This discussion explores the range of styles (continuum) from command and control to inclusive leadership and when to use each style. This shift requires leaders to have a broader range of skills than required when only command and control were required. It also requires the leader to know when to step aside and share leadership. We explore how to enhance this capacity in building leadership through intellectual curiosity. This process includes creating disorienting dilemmas or approaches to development outside of standard programs. Aldo discusses how he used mountaineering to build his emotional skills and the ability to interact effectively.