Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future - Archive

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Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guests: Will O'Brien & Dave DuBose
The labor shortage is not going away, workers are becoming more transient and Amazon is continuing to drive up competition for distribution center (DC) employees. So, most DC operators resort to wage increases and retention bonuses as the quick solution to this really challenging people problem. Will O'Brien and Dave DuBose joins the show to share the better answer, which is a set of more robust solutions that better serve the operators’ longer-term needs and mitigate their dependence on short-lived “quick fix” wage and bonus answers that everyone else is chasing.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Brian Ahearn
Understanding the principles of influence allows you to leverage human psychology and increase your opportunity to hear that magic word everyone wants to hear when they make a request – Yes! By discussing Brian’s book, Influence PEOPLE: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical, we want to help individuals and organizations take the complex scientific research on the influence process and put it into practical application. The result of this practical application is more success at the office and peace and happiness at home.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Charles Morgan
For those wrestling with questions about business leadership, avoiding bad decisions, investing in a start-up, and turning a passion into a profitable venture, Charles Morgan shares his story of how he retired and then found himself back in the role of CEO for a struggling data and analytics startup company. His story is textbook entrepreneurialism, at least as ‘textbook’ as an entrepreneurial narrative could ever be. He will talk about the intersection of entrepreneurism and data.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Tony Saldanha
Digital transformations can be made routinely successful and is more important than ever now that we’re in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The lines between the physical, digital, and biological worlds are becoming more blurred. This however does not eliminate the fact that 70% of digital transformations fail. That failure is not due to technology or innovation itself but in fact comes down to the details. The lack of clear goals and having a disciplined process for achieving them is what leads to failure of digital transformations. Tony Saldanha will join us to discuss his new book, Why Digital Transformations Fail.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Greg Moran & Nicholas Papanicolaou
Leaders are faced with more change than any other tie in history. Navigating the fourth industrial revolution and responding to complexity that is accelerating – it is critical for leaders to identify new opportunities on the horizon and manage their risk so they can deliver the best outcome for their organization as well as for them as leaders. Greg Moran talks about his career choices and pivots moving from large consulting to take a key role steering Ford out of crisis to a venture funded start-up. At each career stage, he optimized his decisions based on his life situation and personal values. Nicholas Papanicolaou then shares his career journey and choices. Like Greg, Nicholas made choices that optimized for his life situation at the time. He worked for Aristotle Onassis, started a shipping business, ran Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd and became the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta. Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (The Ecumenical Order).

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Mike Hardy
During this conversation, Mike will update his work running the Center for Trust, Peace and Social Relations and how that intersects with his now post as Board Chair of The International leadership association. Mike talks about the great progress of both organizations and their projects. This progress serves as the foundation on which he will be working to build along side many talented people. As he takes the longer perspective reflecting over time on how we got to our current level of contribution and what we need to do to build on this great progress to position us to be effective in the increasingly volatile world we will face in 2019 and beyond to create a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Marlene Janzen Le Ber & Lynne E. Devnew
The challenges of women and more diverse voices in leadership are systemic and complex. There are many variables that need to be considered in order to successfully accomplish our change goals. During this interview Lynne and Marlene share their research, published in More Women on Boards: An International Perspective. This is particularly important to validate or dispel our beliefs and stereotypes with solid research. According to Heidrick & Struggles, 22.2 percent of Fortune 500 board members were women in 2017. The authors talk about possible interventions to move this number higher including looking across the globe to see other successful practices and what can appropriately be borrowed from them. Finally, they discuss differences is how women can communicate to be more effective. This includes how they express anger, how they amplify the good ideas of others and how they promote or do not promote their own successes. This conversation is a must listen for all women!

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guests: Allan Bird & Joyce Osland
This interview focuses on the book Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development with two co-authors. They discuss how significant the issue of global leadership is and how we identify, develop and support our leaders so they can run enterprises that thrive. It is also important to understand the scope, complexity and challenging this work brings and the difficulty this presents for leaders. Some topics include: 1. What is it about the global context that makes leading globally so challenging? 2. What are the critical requirements of global leaders with respect to change and innovation? 3. How does culture impact global change initiatives? 4. How do we develop global leaders who are skilled at change and innovation? 5. How can global leaders build and maintain innovative organizations?

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guest: Keith Grint & Joanne Ciulla
Throughout two decades of “advancing leadership knowledge and practice for a better world,” the International Leadership Association has held space for dialogue, deep exploration, and the exchange of ideas at the intersection of leadership theory and practice and into a powerful, innovative network focused on a deeper understanding of the process of leadership. This interview is with the two 2018 inductees Keith Grint and Joanne Ciulla who have distinguished themselves for the advancements over long and successful careers. While it is impossible to share a full career in a short interview, they share some of their latest thinking. Keith talks about how leaders categorize problems and decision styles. His focus in this conversation is getting leaders to think about the world in a way that relates to the problem and provides better outcomes. Joanne, as an expert in ethical leadership as her field of study for the last 25 years talks about ethics in our current time.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Guests: Mike Hardy, Veronika Anghel & Matt Qvortrup
According to Freedom House, over 60% of the world’s countries were democracies at the turn of the millennium. The number is now below 50%. Democratic breakdowns are not often dramatic events. Often popular government is brought down gradually, almost imperceptibly. Democracies are undermined from within, through abusing tax laws against opponents, employing libel laws to silence the press, selecting friendly judges to tilt the political balance, and while typically, political parties remain in existence and there are still elections, one day — democracy ceases to exist. Thought leaders working in a broad range of countries discuss how would-be despots, dictators, and demagogues have finessed these undermining techniques and will share leadership strategies that can be used to strengthen democracies.

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