
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Jacqueline Carter
$46 billion a year is spent on leadership training, but a recent Gallup survey showed that 82 percent of employees find their leaders “uninspiring.” Why the gap? Because most leadership development focuses on outward skills like strategy, people management and finance. Instead, new research shows that leadership should start inward with the mind. THE MIND OF THE LEADER: How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordinary Results (Harvard Business Review Press; March 2018) by Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter reveals how leaders can lead themselves, their people, and their organizations by training their minds. The authors found that three mental qualities are essential to becoming effective leaders. Leaders must be mindful (being present and attentive to their people’s needs), selfless (to model cultures based on growth and learning instead of ego) and compassionate (show their people they have their back).

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Rebecca Hall Gruyter
Being seen as an expert or thought leader in a given field can differentiate organizations and leaders in several ways. For organizations, it helps drive business, for leaders is can afford better opportunities. For consultants, it may be a significant differentiator. During this show, Rebecca will share with you….how you too, can be seen and heard on multiple platforms and SHINE! She will discuss: 1. Her project to help Experts step into becoming an influencer; 2 Speaker Talent Search? How this can help Leaders; 3. Why she likes to remind leaders life is not a solo journey. And what do you mean by this; 4. Ways to look at stepping out of your comfort zone and becoming more visible; 5. Ways you help people leverage off of the platforms you have built (so it can be easier for them...not harder.) Rebecca shares practical steps for leaders to build their influence and impact!

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Belinda Gore
The most important capability for leaders to develop is self-awareness and the capacity to reduce denial. (eg, Stanford Grad School of Business Advisory Council). During this interview we talk about how you can cultivate self-awareness to improve your leadership effectiveness. Various tools give us feedback about how we see ourselves in comparison with others using some theory or framework. The Enneagram takes it to the next level through exploring deep motivating factors. Belinda talks about how she uses the Enneagram to help leaders build self-awareness to improve their leadership performance and results. Belinda gives great examples of different leadership types and how leaders use type assessment in conjunction with level of leadership maturity to increase their effectiveness. She also explores how to use our body and sense of presence to identify what we are experiencing physically as one mechanism of self-awareness. In addition, knowledge of our type to manage our reactions and feel more grounded and able to manage challenge.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guests: James Brenza & Joe Hammond
People are talking about machine learning and analytics and the possible impacts they may have. During this show, we provide an overview of what these terms mean and equally importantly, give a case study of a company using them to solve a problem. These tools have the potential to change how problems and work is done in many sectors. We want to talk about the concept broadly and illustrate a practical application to spark you as leaders to consider how it might impact you and even better, how you might chose to harness it proactively to improve your impact and your business effectiveness. Additionally, we'll talk about the impact on leaders when you move into product creation and how that can impact your perspective. James and Joe are founders of XDS, a premier provider of analytic solutions that facilitate financial compliance. It is a humbling experience to lead an awesome team while solving some of the toughest challenges providing fast results and massive ROI's.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Alex Fischer
Under Alex’s leadership, the city Columbus and the central Ohio Region have grown dramatically in ways that Harvard Business Review talks about as “The Columbus Way” in their case study about the Columbus Partnership, a group focused on increasing the vitality of the region. The Partnership originated with 8 CEOs and is now a group of 65. Alex will share the Columbus mindset and the fabric of the culture that makes others want to emulate it. He will also talk about the current and future focus as the leaders of Columbus and the region join together to address challenges faced across the country and globe by creating local solutions. Alex discusses: 1. The "Columbus Way" referenced in the HBR Case study; 2. How are the city, businesses, civic organizations and non-profits partnering to anticipate and proactively address disruption? 3. Biggest accomplishments; 4. Smart city project; 5. Biggest goals going forward Alex shares his insight in building and sustaining a thriving region.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Dr. Tracey Wilen
Disruption is on top of everyone’s mind as technology rapidly accelerates the fear of the future accelerates. People are worrying about what is the impact of future technologies on our lives, how we lead firms in the digital era, our personal careers and future jobs. Some people are tackling this head on and some are somewhat resistant or frozen in their track because the newness and pace of change. Digital disruption is the change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services. Words like change, disturbance to the status quo, Innovation, new markets or products. Tracey and Maureen discuss Tracey's new book: Digital Disruption; The Future of Work, Skills, Leadership, Education and Careers in a Digital World focusing on the 10 disruptive predictions for 2018.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Doug McCollough
Building a talented workforce is a key element in growing our community. For Doug, being named in the TOP 20 for Amazon HQ2 is a wake-up call for the community. The question to us as a community – are we prepared to grow and compete with other communities that have other natural advantages? This ability to compete comes down to access to talent. As IT Leaders, who do we presume will come in to address this. We need to engage in this conversation and develop a new skill set for ourselves. It is up to us to build the community that builds sustainable talent flow. Doug discusses: 1. What do we want our community to look like in the future? 2. What gaps do we see? 3. What does the technology leader of the future look like? Who exemplifies that leader now? 4. What do we have in place now that can help provide the "jet fuel of talent"? 5. What do we still need to build? This discussion will be informative for leaders trying to build their talent pipeline anywhere in the world!

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guests: Kim Barta & Terri O'Fallon
Organizational development is a field of research, theory and practice dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people to accomplish more successful organizational change and performance. This conversation will help leaders develop a stronger understanding of how working with developmental levels will help then accomplish their mission and deliver better results and at the same time a better employee experience. During the conversation we will also talk about the move to teal (also referred to as strategist or Level 5) for organizations. Terri and Kim share tools for understanding the developmental level of their organization to help you will become aware of teal capacities and requirements for becoming teal. They as discuss four basic styles of leadership and organizational development and how they support organizations in moving toward teal.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Jeroen van der Veer
Jeroen van der Veer talks about his leadership strategy when you are talking about moving from A to B. Some of his key points about senior leadership are: 1. ensure you direction is very clear, 2. keep it simple, 3. focus on clear and simple communications. Then middle management translates the top leader messages to the middle level teams and create accountability. Harvest lessons learned with brutal honesty then focus on the future! We then shift focus and Cynthia Cherrey talks about her take away from the conference focusing on Leadership in Turbulent times. She brilliantly weaves together key themes from across the range of presenters that focused on thriving in times of turbulence and leveraging the chaos to create a better world now and in the future. Her comments include a recognition of the importance of leadership and the many different and nuanced roles of leaders. She also looks at the rich interplay between leaders, their organizations and their communities.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Guest: Peter Cunningham & Patrick Sweet
The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Alliance for Advancing Leadership in Peace and Security was formed to advance the practices of leading in public, private, non-profit organizations and civil society: especially those dedicated to advancing peace and security. The Leadership Alliance combines expertise in executive education for large, multi-level organizations with in-depth knowledge of peace and security issues and policy in an innovative formula for geopolitical, community, and international leadership development. Peter and Patrick, the GCSP co-leaders talk about their work to build leadership to promote global peace. They discuss their biggest concerns at this point in history and share some of the work they are focused on to improve peace in security leadership. They offer unique insight into how this partnership was formed, why they think it is a priority and how they are proceeding as an organization.